Nbtexplorer item names
Nbtexplorer item names

nbtexplorer item names

Import/Export Arrays - I'll admit it's not often I have to use this NBTedit feature.unicode/formatted sign text, custom spawners, and chests with custom items), and again, being able to Reload has streamlined the workflow a lot. If I am using WorldEdit to export schematics of TileEntity objects so I can edit them, I am usually producing many different NBTedit'd objects (e.g. If I'm editing my own inventory, trying to fine-tune enchantment or potion effects, I like to be able to simply reload the file after logging out, so changes I've made ingame are preserved. Reload - I probably use this almost as frequently as C/C/P.The Move Up/Down functions in NBTedit allow for reordering of list elements, which nowadays has become practical for enchantments, Lores, CustomPotionEffects, and even books.It's not fun recreating a complicated tree structure from scratch (and would you check out how complicated item NBT data has gotten p) Cut/Copy/Paste - as a map maker who relies extensively on custom NBT tags, I cannot tell you how invaluable this is.However, I've noticed I still definitely prefer NBTedit over NBTExplorer, and it only recently occurred to me why: NBTedit has a number of GUI features NBTExplorer simply lacks: NBTExplorer definitely provides better support for the NBT format itself, including support for uncompressed files and other stuff not directly related to the NBT format. I've been a long time fan of NBTedit, but I've realized I can't really stick with it thanks to it being outdated (it can't even load level.dat if your inventory has the newly-added fireworks items, for example).

Nbtexplorer item names